
Register for SigmaX

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Register for New Account

Registration is required to use the Beta-SigmaX application and online members section at a one time payment of R899 / individual user (£45).

If you wish to purchase for multiple users please first buy vouchers before you register.

Once you have successfuly registered and completed payment you will receive an verification email to enable to login to your Beta-SigmaX account online or on your favorite device - your computer or your tablet or even your mobile phone

Accepted payments:

About Us

Beta-SigmaX uses graphics and animations to create visuals that enables learners to understand maths concepts better.

Our Partners

Our Contacts

Rtech (Pty) Ltd: 4th Floor 165 West Street Sandton Johannesburg South Africa
Edinburgh Business School, The Avenue Gait 11, Currie, EH14 4AS, United Kingdom

+27(0)79 7736 409